
2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015 | 2016 | General



The goals for the first months of the research project were fully met. Team members are mastering:

  1. fundaments of paleography
  2. fundaments of ecdotics

These elements are, as we have already noted, the conditions conducive to a school of paleography in Cluj, which is another major objective of the research project.

In the first months of the second year the work of settling and deepening the knowledge of paleography has continued; as we have already noted, Professor Dominique Poirel has come to Cluj for another week full of classes - this took place in March. In January, anticipating the arrival of Professor Poirel, we organized a workshop in which each team member presented the results of their work and others' manuscripts.

Since April, each team member began to write an article in a foreign language (preferably French, English or German) reflecting the results of work done in the first 6 months of the project; this presentation was a historical and philosophical, its purpose being the publication of results in journals abroad. Each study was followed by a short Latin Edition of the unpublished identified text which was analyzed by each team member. In this way we achieved the project objectives, namely, publication of articles in international scientific level containing results based on CNCS grant.

In 2013 we achieved three important objectives for our project:

1º continuing the study of more commentaries: Alexandra Baneu continued the study of the commentary, attributed to Johannes of Mallingys in the manuscript Worcester Cathedral Library, Q.90, f. 57r-64v. Iulia Szekely studied the commentary transmitted in the manuscript Bibliotheca Amploniana, CA. 4º 316, ff. 43r-54v. Alexander Baumgarten continued the transcription, comparison and study of the historical and doctrinal context in which the comment transmitted in four manuscripts was composed: Krakow, Biblioteka Jagiellonska, 2088, f. 300-322 ; Wroclaw, Ossolineum, 734/1, f. 2r-31v ; Wroclaw, Biblioteka Uniwersytecka, Mil. II 78, f. 176r-193v ; Praha, Knihova metropolitani kapitaly, ms. 1599/O. XV, f. 63a-81a. Dragos Calma transcribed and studied the commentary from two manuscripts: Wien, Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, 2303, f. 55r-61v ; Zwickau, Ratsschulbibliothek, Ms. I, XII, 1, f. 132v-138v. Mihai Maga deepened the comparison of an important commentary preserved in three manuscripts: Paris, BnF, lat. 15815, f. 172vb-175rb ; Paris, BnF, lat. 15819, f. 308rb - 309ra ; Wien, Österreichischen Nationalbibliothek, 2330, f. 107ra-110vb.

2º starting research on the full repertoire of unpublished commentaries on the Liber de causus; Adinel Dincă has already started in the last months of 2012 working on this repertoire that is required for publication in 2014-2015 along with other team members' studies. His first results will be presented at the colloquium in 2013

3º developing international links with various research centers in Europe and America: attaching of the center of Cluj in various research programs, grants and symposia were taken into account, in order to obtain additional funds for the organization of an International Colloquium in Cluj-Napoca in autumn of 2014.

In 2014 we accomplished researches in different libraries in Germany and Poland, and presented the results of our research in different national and international conferences.

We wrote the articles for the volume D. Calma (ed.), Neoplatonism from the 13th to the 17th Century. Unpublished Commentaries on ‘Liber de Causis’ and ‘Elementatio Theologica’, with 16 commissioned articles (Turnhout, Brepols, forthcoming 2015; Studia artistarum), ca. 730pp., ISBN: 978-2-503-55474-7. The articles have generally two parts: a historical and philosophical introduction (in French or English) and the critical edition of the text (in Latin). The standard procedure of the series is to have peer-reviews for all the articles, they will be sent to external evaluators (researchers from various international academic institutions, recognized specialists in their fields of expertise). The articles have been examined by the reviewers nominated by Brepols and accepted for publication.



Activity Report for the year 2011
(PDF, romanian)


Activity Report for the year 2012
(PDF, romanian)


Activity Report for the year 2013
(PDF, romanian)


Activity Report for the year 2014
(PDF, romanian)


Activity Report for the year 2015
(PDF, romanian)


Activity Report for the year 2016
(PDF, romanian)


Synthetic Activity Report
(PDF, romanian)

Congress of the International Society Thomas Aquinas, Romanian branch
The body as a limit and challenge
3 – 6 May 2012

Initiation à l'édition critique
prof. Dominique Poirel (IRHT, Paris)
5 – 8 March 2012
Déchiffrer, éditer, comprendre. Le commentaire d'Hugues de Saint-Victor sur la Hiérarchie céleste du pseudo-Denys l'Aréopagite
prof. Dominique Poirel (IRHT, Paris)
24 october 2011